Willen at Home appeal

Willen at Home appeal



  • About

Our Willen at Home team make it possible for many local people with a life-limiting illness to stay in their own home and live well until they die, for however long that may be. 86% of our patients are cared for in the place where they live. 

Yet despite being the only service of its kind in Milton Keynes, Willen at Home receives no NHS funding. It costs us £1.4 million each year to run and is entirely funded by charitable donations from our generous community. In neighbouring counties, similar services are paid for in full by the NHS. 

Unless we can get a fairer level of NHS funding and increase our fundraising, we’ll have to take the heart-breaking decision to cutback our core services, like Willen at Home. Until then, we remain dependent on your continued support and generosity to care for patients and their loved ones struggling to cope with the devastating impact of a life-limiting illness.